Due to insurance company requirements and increased government regulations, fire storage tanks are in high demand. They are used in commercial buildings, residential properties, municipalities, and even as a backup water supply. The tank’s specifications, including its size and capacity, are determined by the site or building design. It can be installed underground, above ground, or inside new or existing structures.
Fire water storage tanks provide a dedicated source of water to support fire sprinkler and suppression systems. In areas where municipal water supplies are insufficient and there is insufficient pressure and volume to extinguish the fire, water storage tanks are a must-have to keep large amounts of water in case of a fire.
What exactly is a Fire Water Tank?
The name should be self-explanatory: it is a separate water storage tank installed on top or below the roof to supply water to sprinklers or hoses in the event of a fire. When water is needed, the tank makes it readily available. Due to an increase in fire emergency statistics in the United States, these tanks are becoming increasingly important as alternative water sources become scarce.
The fire water roof tanks can be custom designed to meet the needs of the owner, the size of the house, or the environmental conditions. Engineers with extensive industry experience can create custom designs that are tailored to a specific business. The benefits of these tanks cannot be overlooked in this modern era of electrical appliances and other flammable materials capable of causing fire anytime.
Benefits of the Fire Water Tanks
Installing firefighting water tanks on your property in regional, rural, or local fire areas allows firefighters to quickly replenish their tankers. They can then return to putting out the fire and preventing further damage to life and property.
- Reduce fire damage: the accessibility of these tanks on the rooftop allows firefighters to easily get water and extinguish fires before they exacerbate the damage. This is more beneficial to many buildings located far from groundwater sources or pipe networks.
- Large amounts of water: The tanks have large capacities and can store large amounts of water, enough to put out large fires. A firefighter car can connect the hose and sprinkle water on the fire-damaged areas.
- Simple to refill: After using the fire water roof tank, it is simple to refill it and prepare for any unexpected fire crisis. This increases the availability of water and eliminates all fire emergencies.
- Comply with fire regulations: Failure to meet fire protection standards may result in owner penalties. Various organizations, including Factory Mutual, the National Fire Protection Association, the American Water Works Association, and others, advocate for firefighting codes to be followed by owners of commercial and residential apartments. The NFPA 22 standard, in particular, requires compliance with water storage tanks for fire protection systems.
- Water can be used for a variety of purposes, including firefighting. Roof tanks can also be used to supply water for other purposes. This is not recommended, however, because fires are frequently unexpected. As a result, the tank must always be full.
- Protects property and lives: Without proper fire protection systems, one can suffer economic losses as well as the loss of family members. This can be avoided by installing a fire water roof tank.
Underwater inspections eliminate the need for a tank drain. They ensure that sprinkler systems remain operational throughout, implying that fire safety measures are not compromised. Sprinkler tank renovation can include relining, which provides a guaranteed solution for at least another ten years.
If you’re looking for water tank inspection and cleaning services to serve your off-grid property in the sustainable way you’re after, American Tanks will likely be the right fit for you. Our friendly and experienced customer service team is here to help you! We offer tried and tested services in Houston, Texas and Longbeach, California. Call American Tanks at +1 800 656 0167.